Trading Commodities

Commodity Trading Dashboard
Fundamental analysis and technical analysis, the major schools of thought when it comes to approaching the markets, are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Both methods are used for researching and forecasting future trends in stock prices, and, like any investment strategy or philosophy, both have their advocates and adversaries.
To much information to check in few time and from several resources
Psychology effect on financial decision coming from traditional media and social network. These emotional can trigger irrational decision-making that costs investors money
Works on seasonality basis, increases winning probability, enables to predict increase or decline of price
The goal of the post is to stimulate everyone’s participation in commodity trading.
In particular, the idea is to create a section dedicated to Commodity Trading with the aim of collecting all the information necessary to trade commodities on a single page per commodity. Fundamental data, futures prices, exports, exchange rates, the main government reports USDA, Wasde, weather forecast, social sentiment.
All on one single page, commodity trading dashboard, click here
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