Some Customer Services Are Better Than Others

Customer ServiceEvery business (whether online or off) brags that superior customer service is a top priority; unfortunately, many customers would disagree. In business, the customer gets the last word and their word counts – in sales and profits.

One of the biggest myts in business is that customer service is meeting the needs of their customers or that business is hitting the bull’s eye in superior service. Surveys time and time again reveal that customers are deeply dissatisfied when it comes to customer service and that many business have not earned their loyalty.

Today’s customer is consumer-educated, informed and savvy and for some, price is not always a determinant. But, customer service is always in demand.To differentiate one’s business from another let’s meet the rising expectations of a demanding customer – let’s meet their needs and earn the sale and their loyalty.

How does business differentiate itself from the others in offering superior customer service?

It’s simple: profile your typical customer and understnd them. Then anticipate and meet their needs. It’s not rocket science – it’s just common sense.

Describe your typical customer. Put it on paper. Sometimes it helps to visualize one person, instead of a whole group of customers. Now imagine this person visiting your website, or store. Does that person spend time reading info and details? Does that person shop in certain aisles? Do they like assistant? Do they eventually buy, or not? Does tha person ask questions? What kind of questions? Does that shopper need instructions or how to’s?

How much is your average sale? How often does that customer return? Do you know what links brought that customer to your web site? Do you know what pages the customer is not visiting?

What time of the day does the customer shop?…..

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