Content For SEO: A Visualization of Modern Search Ranking Factors [Infographic]

'The nuts and bolts that make up search engine optimization all hold the frame together, and that frame is content.


However, it’s much bigger than that.Without those nuts and bolts, such as inbound links, social signals, microformats, and citations, the content itself is nothing more than a pile sheet metal that can’t do anything.


As we continue to explore the ways that content can help with SEO, it’s important to note that even the infographic below by Fat is only one side of the content equation'.


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On the Mobile Commerce – What People Browse, Buy and Why?

There had been several articles written linking mobile usage to e-commerce and why marketers need to not only optimize their campaigns to look good on mobile but actually put mobile and social at its center. In this article, we will explore more on the psychology as to how people use their mobile phones, what exactly are they browsing (compared to what they already do on the desktop) and what types of products and/or services they purchase through their phones.